by iffecadmin
IFFEC Seminar in Greece January 2014
Documentos en español:
With the encouragement of the IFFEC Theological Committee and the cooperation of John Kermidas in Greece, North Park Theological Seminary is once again planning a study trip to Greece. We had a trip previously in the summer of 2007, and the experience was quite profitable, even though the timing was not advantageous for some. This time the trip will take place from Jan. 3-11, 2014, and the faculty from North Park involved are Max Lee and Klyne Snodgrass, both professors of New Testament. The hope is that the schedule will allow students from IFFEC and CIPE theological schools to be involved. The purpose of the trip is threefold:
- To learn as much as possible about New Testament sites in central Greece. We will also focus on the religious and social background of the New Testament world to provide a better foundation for understanding the New Testament.
- To establish friendships with students from IFFEC and CIPE constituencies. We are
convinced that we not only belong together but that we need each other and can learn from
and assist each other. Our worship together, the relations we establish, and the knowledge
gained of other churches and their missions all hopefully will contribute, not only to greater awareness, but also to a sense of support and a network for future cooperation. - To experience worship in and learn about Greek Free Churches. Hopefully we will come
away with a better perception of their situation and ministries and with new friendships.
Some of the people coming from Chicago will be taking this course for seminary credit, which would be open to anyone at an additional cost, but we assume that other IFFEC or CIPE institutions could grant credit on their own. A draft of the syllabus and the schedule we will follow are attached, but obviously any institution could adapt the syllabus for their own purposes and requirements. Further, any faculty member from an IFFEC or CIPE member school who would like to join us in teaching or just accompany us is encouraged to do so. Instruction will be in English. On our last trip simultaneous translation was provided by one person for a colleague, and that is an option for this trip as well, although the planners cannot provide translators.
The cost of the trip has been kept as low as possible. We will be staying at the Greek
Bible Institute where John Kremidas teaches. The cost will cover room (double occupancy), two meals a day from the Greek Bible Institute (with the other meal being purchased while traveling), all travel to sites, and all entrance and guide fees. Final figures will be set later, but preliminarily we think we can do the all the cost in Greece for about 500 Euros. The cost of travel to Greece, which will differ for each person, will be in addition, of course.
What we need at this point is an indication of your willingness to promote this trip with your students and faculty and some indication as to whether you think students and faculty from your institution would be involved. Could you please give us an indication by April 1? If you have questions, feel free to let us know. If you have suggestions, please send those along too.
Klyne Snodgrass
Paul W. Brandel Professor of New Testament Studies
Max Lee
Associate Professor of New Testament Studies
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Early discounted registration for the Theological Conference in Athens
Registration is now open for the Theological Conference to be held in Athen, Greece from September 17 -22, 2012. The program centers around the theme of The Global Church and the Challenge of Diversity. Joining us will be Brian Brock from Aberdeen University speaking on Wednesday on the subject Ethics of Globalization and Diversity and on Thursday Soong-Chan Rah will address Cultural Conflicts.
Theologians from all over the globe are expected to attend, making for a diverse group which enriches the entire conference. We will also take advantage of the special Greek venue and visit Ancient Corinth and Athens.
There is also the possibility of joining a Steps of the Apostle Paul Tour immediately following the conference. This tour will visit sites in the Thessolonica area in northern Greece.
To take advantage of the early discount, you must register before the May 31 cut off date.
Please see featured article to download registration form, program and other information.